Down to Earth Garden Club, ​South Windsor, CT

Could you use some ideas on how to plan, plant and grow your own beautiful garden? Would you like to acquire gardener-grown plants at bargain prices? Then join us for our 2024 garden tour and plant sale!
"Pathways and Blooms – A South Windsor Garden Tour & Plant Sale" will be held on Sunday, June 9, 2024 from 9:30 AM to 4 PM (rain or shine). The event is presented by the Down to Earth Garden Club and Wood Memorial Library & Museum. The tour will feature 8 unique gardens, including on historic Main Street and the gardens of homes on Pleasant Valley Road and Deming Street. Each garden features its own unique design and character reflecting the natural terrain of the landscape as well as the interests and creativity of the garden owners. Home-grown perennials from members’ own gardens will be on sale on the grounds of Wood Memorial Library on Main Street.
Sunday Day of Tour Tickets may be purchased in person at the following locations.
Agway of Ellington 74 West Road, Ellington
Garden Barn 228 West Street, Vernon
Garden Sales 308 Oakland Street, Rt. 83, Manchester
Harken's Landscape 287 S. Main St, East Windsor, CT
Wood Memorial Library 783 Main Street, South Windsor
Tickets are $25 on the day of the tour. Day of tour tickets are available at Wood Memorial Library, Ellington Agway, Garden Sales, Garden Barn,
and Harkens Landscape Supply.
Tickets purchased here in advance can be picked up at Wood Memorial Library
with your receipt.
Raffle: Wood Memorial Library will also be the site of our Gift-Basket Raffle featuring themed baskets with items and gift cards donated from local area business. We also have nursery donations which may include hanging baskets, planters, and plants.
Lunch Update: Lunch is on your own.
With Thanks to our Sponsors
Perfect Piece Mitchell Fuel Mitchell Home Services
​Bahler Brothers Imperial Oil Jays Landscaping New England Silica Garden Barn
Harken's Landscape Supply and Garden Center Cate Evans, Realtor Autism Awareness Lynne Metevier, Realtor
Thank you for supporting our Garden Tour!
Come Grow with Us!