Down to Earth Garden Club, ​South Windsor, CT
Get Involved!
Community Outreach:
Please consider volunteering. Our ongoing outreach project is the gardens at Nevers Park.
Volunteers are always welcome to assist with maintenance at our public gardens or with any of our outreach projects.
Schoolyard Gardens
In the Fall of 2013, the SWFA developed a Schoolyard Garden, coordinated by the late Wayne McKinney (Advanced-Master Gardener), in partnership with the Down to Earth Garden Club;Timothy Edwards Middle School Students in the LEO Club (Leadership, Experience, Opportunity), Faculty Advisers and Administrators at Timothy Edwards Middle School.
The team constructed two 4’x8’ raised garden beds at the school. This will enable students to plant, care for, and harvest vegetables for use in the school cafeteria. The students will also donate part of the harvest to the South Windsor Food Bank. Construction of the raised beds began in August, with planting soon after, and a fall harvest is expected. Crops to be planted will include: Spinach, Broccoli, squash, Lettuce, Carrots, Onions and Garlic.
South Windsor Invasive Plant Working Group
Down to Earth Garden Club members are partnering with the South Windsor Parks Department to explore control of invasive plants in the open spaces in South Windsor. We are looking for interested individuals to explore control options and work with this project. Please contact us if you are willing to help DTEGC
First Work party: Began clearing burning bush, winged euonymus, behind Town Hall along Petersen Way.

Brian Cruz, Oliver Hoib-Bansal, Denise Bero, Stephen Wagner, Vicky & Paul Margiott, Bill Marshall & David Pugliese
Amazing progress has been made with the help of a great group of community volunteers. Groups from Boy Scout troops have been a wonderful help and the Eagle scout bridge project turned out beautiful. The next phase will be the addition of an invasives trail with signage for identification and control measures, as well as , alternatives.

Helpful Links:
Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station website for plant pests

Come grow with us!